My Celestial 4.0

October 10, 2021
On at least two occasions during my teaching years, a student came to me and asked, “What do I have to do to get an A?”  I’m sure others wondered…

The Blessing in Store for You

November 22, 2020
          “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph 2:10).  Our new birth in Christ…
          Jesus came to do many interwoven things.  Jesus came for one reason.  We get it when people aren’t interested in Jesus despite our efforts—half-hearted or whole-hearted—our attempts to share…
This life is a mess!  It’s a messy, messed-up mixture.  The news is always mixed, and our joys seem always tinged with the shadow of sadness.  This is not a…

Sharing Hope at the Stump

December 8, 2019
A shoot from a stump. We’ve seen that; that happens. The stump about which Isaiah speaks is the stump of David, cut down, cut off (11:1). In Columbia Lakes just…

A Time for Healing

August 25, 2019
So, eighteen years is a long time, bent over, suffering, for eighteen years. Then there’s Jesus. Maybe she always went to synagogue on Sabbath. Maybe she was there that Sabbath…

A Way That Seems Right

July 28, 2019
Christians have a talent for reshaping the Gospel.  Paul warns against this.  The reshaping is always the result of good intentions.  Christians worry about the growth of the Church, which…

God-Given Faith

September 9, 2018
Well, nobody likes to be called a dog.  We tend to be very attached to our pets, yet no one likes to be called a dog.  When will Jesus say…