If Jesus is always teaching, he is also preparing his followers.  He has something he’s asking them to do, wants them to be doing.  In much of the first part…

Opportunity and Promises

November 19, 2023
Jesus came to call people to follow, to believe and follow: only believe, just follow.  If they weren’t sure whether they believed, Jesus told them to follow and see.  “Trust…

The Hem of His Garment

August 8, 2021
Jesus has just fed five thousand, and when the boat lands back on the other side of the Sea of Galilee, not far from Capernaum, in Gennesaret, another five thousand…

Grace Out of His Fullness

January 3, 2021
          Who will receive him?  Who will welcome him in?  Go from our worship gathering today with the expectation of this question on your lips and in your heart.  We…

Ask Him In

December 24, 2020
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.          If you’re around my age—probably not the best way to begin—you may remember some of…