Where It Begins

January 7, 2024
Mark’s version, church tradition tells us, is based upon Peter’s recollection.  Mark was secretary and personal assistant to Peter in his last years.  Mark’s—Peter’s—account begins, not with a genealogy, nor…
The Offering of Common Kindness—Mt 25:31-46 In the age of cellphones, it’s even easier to pass by people who may be in need.  Surely, they have phones too.  Surely, there’s…

The Gift of the Way

January 8, 2023
In Matthew’s account, Jesus tells John the Baptist that it’s good for John to baptize Jesus, in order to “fulfill all righteousness.”  Jesus, who had no sin and did no…

The Limits of Our Discipleship

February 28, 2021
          Peter isn’t happy about what’s going to happen to Jesus.  Neither are we.  Suffer?  Killed?  Terrible!  Let’s be followers without the suffering.  In seminary, no one quite knew what…

The Way of Comfort

December 6, 2020
          Though it was not a Sunday and the church was not open, the grieving widow called the pastor, asking if he would open the church for her.  She needed…
Sometimes, to go forward, we have to go back.  The first steps on the long journey to the cross, the tomb, and Easter take Jesus and us into the wilderness. …

Reflections on Humility

September 1, 2019
Jesus reminds us to be humble, to seek humility, to learn it and grow in it. We praise beauty; we praise excellence; we praise performance. Humility is more worthy of…