The Work of Reconciliation

September 3, 2023
People were just floored by how Jesus spoke and taught.  “[H]e taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law” (Mk 7:29).  The rabbis said,…
          Jesus came to do many interwoven things.  Jesus came for one reason.  We get it when people aren’t interested in Jesus despite our efforts—half-hearted or whole-hearted—our attempts to share…
Do you want to laugh?  Do you want to cry?  Maybe both?  If you have come to this Presbyterian church from another expression of Christian faith, you probably have figured…

Seeds of Life

June 7, 2020
George Floyd should not have died in police custody.  Businesses, homes, and lives should not be burned to the ground.  But there’s no building without tearing down, no creating without…