A Love Worth Sharing

June 4, 2023
It’s not hard to think of biblical lands as wilderness and wasteland: Big Bend as far as the eye can see, but remember that the land God promised His people…

Real Help for Real Need

June 12, 2022
          I want a church where real need can find real help; I believe that you want that, too.  When I preach, I aim to make the heart of my…
          God’s love is “one another” love.  This makes perfect sense, for God is one God in three Persons, blessed Trinity.  John was writing in a situation where people in…

The Ground of Love

June 16, 2019
We don’t tend to get all excited about a doctrine of the Church.  Just to use the word doctrine sort of begins to kill the joy of the Living Word,…

Who Has Seen the Wind?

May 27, 2018
Today, we especially take time to consider God in Trinity.  Today is Trinity Sunday, if we choose to observe it.  Ours is a Trinitarian, not a Unitarian faith.  We believe…