The Sin Not the Sign

November 14, 2021
The Temple, Herod’s Temple, was built to make an impression.  When architects build to impress, they think about how best to do that.  Size is one factor, the scale.  The…


October 31, 2021
It’s not as if, before the time of Martin Luther, there had been no inkling that something had gone wrong, that the church needed to get back to the basics,…

Blessed Are Those in Christ

February 9, 2020
Jesus tells us the meek will inherit the earth. They will be the ones to enjoy the fulfillment of the promise when the new heaven and the new earth come.…

What a King Is For

November 24, 2019
          Today is a day for wrapping up. Next Sunday, I’ll start telling the story from the top once again. What crowns the story, its conclusion and vision, is Christ…

A Time for Healing

August 25, 2019
So, eighteen years is a long time, bent over, suffering, for eighteen years. Then there’s Jesus. Maybe she always went to synagogue on Sabbath. Maybe she was there that Sabbath…

“Who Am I, to Judge?”

February 24, 2019
Love your enemies.  Jesus phrases the matter strongly to make a strong point, a holy point.  Enemies oppose us because of what we believe.  We are their enemy because their…