This life is a mess!  It’s a messy, messed-up mixture.  The news is always mixed, and our joys seem always tinged with the shadow of sadness.  This is not a…

Glorify the Name of the Lord

November 3, 2019
Paul speaks of the people who belong to God and to the Lord Jesus Christ (1:1). Have you thought much about belonging to God? In Jesus Christ, we are people…

Faith and Love in Christ

October 6, 2019
His spirit fills us. Beloved, how beautiful, those words! We feel so full of so many things. Sometimes, it’s fear. Sometimes, it’s anger, resentment. Sometimes it’s love, yes, that’s true,…

Wealth, Health, God

October 7, 2018
Satan?  Are we really going to hear about that old myth, that nonsense?  Beloved, whether you believe there is such a being, such an enemy as Satan or not, Scripture…