Purifying Discipleship

September 30, 2018
Woe to the one who causes one of mine to stumble, to sin (9:42).  Woe to that culprit especially if he or she is also one of mine!  I don’t…

He Gives Us Himself

August 12, 2018
Moses, Buddha, Mohammed—each pointed to a way, a way of living, an ethical system.  A way of life.  Jesus does not come for that.  Jesus doesn’t give us a way…
This week, we get another perspective on part of what I read and preached on last Sunday.  Then, we heard from St. Mark, a later companion of Peter.  Scholars are…

Truth and Consequences

May 20, 2018
Pentecost is a day of power.  Every Sunday should be a day of power.  Indeed—every day that we live in Christ Jesus should be a day of power, can be…