Inside Out

June 2, 2024
“Of what terrible things is the human heart the source!  From self flow impurity, dishonesty, wickedness, knavery, deceit, lust, haughtiness, blasphemy, senselessness, and everything that is evil.  These things are…

The Problem of Listening

February 14, 2024
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  Those are funeral words, graveside words, goodbye words.  I’ve baptized many, marking them with water.  Today, I mark you with ashes.  Nothing in Scripture…

More Than Mourning

July 2, 2023
In Boston in 1770, Perez Morton penned these words: “When Jesus wept, the falling tear in mercy flowed beyond all bound.  When Jesus groaned, a trembling fear seized all the…


March 19, 2023
Jonah has had a transforming experience.  He had been living his faith his way.  Look where it got him.  God wasn’t interested in making Jonah sorry, though; God is interested…

Light from Light [No audio.]

October 16, 2022
My boys like to read at night, even after it’s time for lights out.  That’s when they get out their flashlights, so dad won’t know.  Only, dad knows when their…

Godliness with Contentment

August 21, 2022
We’ve been reading our way through 1 Timothy.  Timothy was in Ephesus, trying to get some things straightened out in the church there.  If we think of Ephesus at all,…
Over these weeks taking us to Pentecost, as I’m reading the Acts of the Apostles, I’m considering Thom Rainer’s insights regarding a noticeable decline in evangelism.  Acts is like our…

For Want of the Gift

December 24, 2021
Tonight is the perfect opportunity to receive Jesus.  Oh, not that!  If experience is trustworthy, there are some here this evening for whom church is not exactly a habit.  I…