Inside Out

June 2, 2024
“Of what terrible things is the human heart the source!  From self flow impurity, dishonesty, wickedness, knavery, deceit, lust, haughtiness, blasphemy, senselessness, and everything that is evil.  These things are…
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (5:5).  I’ve said before, I’ll say again: I do not like this word meek.  I suppose no one wants meek…

Use, Don’t Abuse

January 17, 2021
          About all I remember of high school health class was sex education, trying to remember and write down what I ate in a week, and a film about a…

Faith and Love in Christ

October 6, 2019
His spirit fills us. Beloved, how beautiful, those words! We feel so full of so many things. Sometimes, it’s fear. Sometimes, it’s anger, resentment. Sometimes it’s love, yes, that’s true,…