Change Is the Blessing

February 12, 2023
Over these several weeks since the end of the Christmas season, we’ve been exploring the first part of what Paul wrote to the believers in Corinth.  That was an exciting…

Godliness with Contentment

August 21, 2022
We’ve been reading our way through 1 Timothy.  Timothy was in Ephesus, trying to get some things straightened out in the church there.  If we think of Ephesus at all,…

Love and Learn

August 29, 2021
Until today, I’ve never preached on the Song of Solomon.  I remember hearing only two sermons on this love song, only one of which was in church.  That was nearly…
          I’ve spoken of purification, obedience, and rejecting the world.  We reject the world when we say Yes to Christ and No to the panorama of alluring sins in vogue…
When Jesus takes time to explain things, it’s time to listen and reflect, not listen and reject.  Jesus begins to explain what will happen (16:21).  Peter doesn’t like it.  Well,…

What a King Is For

November 24, 2019
          Today is a day for wrapping up. Next Sunday, I’ll start telling the story from the top once again. What crowns the story, its conclusion and vision, is Christ…

Abide in Obedience

November 17, 2019
Second Thessalonians is short. When I first read through the Bible, it was a real relief finally to get to books that were two pages long. Though brief, this letter…

Faith in the Truth

November 10, 2019
Well, okay . . . so that’s a lot. Scholars regard Paul’s two letters to the believers in Thessalonika as his earliest. The church there was concerned about the end,…