Striving for Thriving

March 6, 2022
This purple season of Lent began in the early centuries of the church as a time of preparation and for refocusing upon our discipleship.  That isn’t just for Lent.  It…

Come with Weeping

January 2, 2022
Hosanna!  Lord, save us, please!  That’s what hosanna means: save us!  Make your praises heard, and pray that God would save His remnant (31:7).  Did you notice the order of…

Know My Name

December 26, 2021
“My people will know my name” (52:6).  Did they not know His name?  What is God’s name?  God?  Jehovah?  Just to be clear, it isn’t Jehovah.  Jesus?  Yes, His name…

When God Sings

December 12, 2021
“All the wrongs you have done to me” (3:11).  Oof.  Did you pick up that God is speaking here to His own?  God says He will remove.  He will purify. …

Good as His Word

November 28, 2021
Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “Put it in writing”?  Get it in black and white: not just words in the air, but something we can hold on to, show others—a…

Let Me Be Your Servant

April 1, 2021
          How solemn and holy, how intimate and joyous, the Passover!—celebration of freedom, God’s power to set free, claim, and keep His own in the face of all the angry…

The Rock in the Wilderness

February 21, 2021
          Jesus emerges.  He emerges from the bright, cool waters of the Jordan; he emerges from the hard, dark tomb.  He reaches through the twilight of our confusion, our sorrow,…

Light in the Darkness

February 14, 2021
          The power of darkness is fear.  There is fear in the darkness, fear of the dark.  Children want the nightlight.  I’m liking the flashlight on my cell phone.  There…

A Proclaiming Spirit

December 27, 2020
          Simeon and Anna are the closest thing Jesus has to grandparents, and what grandparents!  Both are at the Temple.  Though it was my parents who first took me to…