When Jesus takes time to explain things, it’s time to listen and reflect, not listen and reject. Jesus begins to explain what will happen (16:21). Peter doesn’t like it. Well,…
Each time I read this account, I am stunned by each line. Scripture tells us this is about God testing Abraham (22:1). We know it all works out. Abraham does…
Have you ever been at the grocery store and seen what you wanted there on the top shelf, and realized, after trying a few times, that you would need help…
A number of people, including some who ought to know better, seem to behave as if this life was all that mattered. Jesus tells us of a world to come.…
Millions want to know God. Knowing God isn’t easy. There is so much around us and within to distract us, deflect us. That desire is still there, though. What is…
Where did Peter get a sword? How long had he been carrying that around? He has it with him, that night, there in the garden. He had a bad feeling:…
Jesus and his disciples are celebrating, eating; it’s a joyful occasion: the one who brought life is with them. Lazarus who was dead is alive, through Jesus. Passover was near:…
Jesus tells his followers that we shall always have the poor with us (Mk 14:7). The causes will vary, but the result will be the same. I suppose we can…