All for You

November 7, 2021
If you were to take everything in your bank account right now and give it to God, how would you survive the rest of the day, let alone the rest…


October 31, 2021
It’s not as if, before the time of Martin Luther, there had been no inkling that something had gone wrong, that the church needed to get back to the basics,…

Yes, We Can!

October 17, 2021
It takes a long time, in most cases, for the Word of God to sink into a person’s heart.  It has for me!  There’s so much there, already!  Certainly, we…

My Celestial 4.0

October 10, 2021
On at least two occasions during my teaching years, a student came to me and asked, “What do I have to do to get an A?”  I’m sure others wondered…

Sorting and Serving

September 19, 2021
Jesus is teaching his faithful, expanding their spiritual horizons to take in what he’s been telling them, but it’s tough.  There’s a lot of distraction and a lot of resistance. …
          “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God” (4:7).  Everyone who loves.  Well, then.  If someone…
          I’ve spoken of purification, obedience, and rejecting the world.  We reject the world when we say Yes to Christ and No to the panorama of alluring sins in vogue…

Learning with Jesus

March 21, 2021
          God sent Jesus to be our Redeemer, our Savior.  Redemption comes with a cost; payment must be made, satisfaction given.  The one wronged—God—must be satisfied.  I don’t have the…

Forgive to Live

September 13, 2020
          “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others…