Mess, Message, Messiah

May 19, 2024
We want—and, indeed, need—time for ourselves.  Self-care is important!  And Christ shows us a model of sacrificial living that may well feel exhausting: when do I get time for me,…

Power, Promise, People

March 28, 2024
“On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb, Jesus’ disciples asked him, ‘Where do you want us to go and…
There had to be a donkey to show the King was entering in.  Jesus knew what he was doing.  What he was doing wasn’t lost on people: wasn’t lost on…

Return to Me

December 24, 2023
Over these Sundays, I’ve been sharing with you what prophets of the Old Testament had to say about the one who was going to come.  He would be the fulfillment…

Opportunity and Promises

November 19, 2023
Jesus came to call people to follow, to believe and follow: only believe, just follow.  If they weren’t sure whether they believed, Jesus told them to follow and see.  “Trust…

Pray for Forgiveness

October 1, 2023
“It will always help us if we regard this world as organized not for our comfort but for our training.”[1]  So says our friend William Barclay.  The old saying was…
Have you ever been put in jail?  Wait—don’t answer!  Well, if you have, I guess you know the awful feeling that comes with that clank as the barred door locks. …

Your Ally

May 14, 2023
I feel a little like Jude.  No, not Judas—though I’ve had my moments, God knows!  Jude—he wrote a brief letter that comes just before Revelation.  Location, location, location.  Jude begins…

The Life That Is Truly Life

August 28, 2022
Corpus Christi is a hot place.  When we lived there, I saw what amazed me: a man, walking.  It wasn’t once or twice.  I saw him nearly every day, walking…