Not Our Power

September 18, 2022
It doesn’t exactly feel as if my demons have submitted yet, but maybe they just want me to think they haven’t.  The truth is they’re done.  They’ve lost.  They aren’t…

All the Difference

September 11, 2022
I wish they had been walking by a field, maybe at sowing time.  As it is, “they were walking along the road” (9:57).  It’s a dirt road.  The road is…

In God’s Abundance

September 4, 2022
Jesus sent the apostles out with authority to cast out demons and to heal.  Oh, how we’d love some healing, just now.  Can you feel the need for it, out…

Godliness with Contentment

August 21, 2022
We’ve been reading our way through 1 Timothy.  Timothy was in Ephesus, trying to get some things straightened out in the church there.  If we think of Ephesus at all,…