Pray for Forgiveness

October 1, 2023
“It will always help us if we regard this world as organized not for our comfort but for our training.”[1]  So says our friend William Barclay.  The old saying was…

The Purpose of Prayer

September 24, 2023
Jesus has been telling those who want to be his followers about the sort of life they are to live.  He has been telling them about the disposition of the…

The Blessing in Store for You

November 22, 2020
          “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph 2:10).  Our new birth in Christ…

A Demonstration of Loyalty

February 16, 2020
“Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (5:9). Peace must be made. Have you considered that? Peace isn’t simply already there. What’s already there is…

Promise and Proof

January 5, 2020
Jesus is the proof that God keeps His promises. He keeps His promises not because of us but despite us. That probably doesn’t do a lot for our egos. God’s…
Don’t be afraid.  Is it that obvious?  Everyone is struggling with something.  Some hide it better than others, cover the tracks of their worries.  If God says this to Abram—he’s…

Highly Favored

February 17, 2019
All tried to touch him.  O, to touch Jesus!  I suppose a number of them did.  We’re told a lot about Jesus touching others, but we don’t hear as much…