Not Our Power

September 18, 2022
It doesn’t exactly feel as if my demons have submitted yet, but maybe they just want me to think they haven’t.  The truth is they’re done.  They’ve lost.  They aren’t…

Foundation and Pillars

August 7, 2022
Those ancient builders in Greece and Rome really knew what they were doing.  No, the roofs are no longer there, but the foundations remain, and many pillars.  Lots and lots…

Hearing Is Believing

February 27, 2022
Not even Abraham long before had seen and spoken with God face to face.  We might point to the three mysterious visitors to whom Abraham offers welcome and hospitality, but…

Madness, or Salvation

August 23, 2020
Jesus gives Simon a new name: Peter.  In Revelation, Jesus tells us all the victorious will receive a new name (Rev. 2:17).  We haven’t received that name yet.  That name…

The Gravity of Grace

July 21, 2019
Millions want to know God.  Knowing God isn’t easy.  There is so much around us and within to distract us, deflect us.  That desire is still there, though.  What is…