The Problem of Listening

February 14, 2024
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  Those are funeral words, graveside words, goodbye words.  I’ve baptized many, marking them with water.  Today, I mark you with ashes.  Nothing in Scripture…

Truth Lovingly Applied

July 23, 2023
Mercy forgives.  Forgiveness does not undo the consequences of our sin; this is why you and I must struggle, continually, against those impulses to sin that come and knock, like…

Trumpet for Turning

February 22, 2023
God will settle all accounts.  Each of us labors under a stack of Past Due notices.  We’ve lived beyond our means.  We wanted to have fun, leave the worries for…

The Gift of Responsibility

November 13, 2022
There are no mañana disciples.  Peter gets it.  He would never be one of those!  Well, his heart is in the right place, but the problem is that his heart…
Last Sunday, I spoke of Paul’s instruction to Timothy about prayer in the church.  Christians pray for everybody.  We pray for everyone not only because everyone stands in need of…

Through It All

August 16, 2020
          Thirteen years is a long time.  Two or more of those years in prison: that’s a long time, too.  A long time to let resentment grow, to be reshaped…

An Example for Us

March 24, 2019
God sends the people He is setting free through the parted waters of the sea.  The Egyptians are in hot pursuit.  God sends the waters rushing back down upon the…