A Demonstration of Loyalty

February 16, 2020
“Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (5:9). Peace must be made. Have you considered that? Peace isn’t simply already there. What’s already there is…

Something More Than a Fish

January 26, 2020
In Matthew’s timeline, Jesus has just returned from his time of temptation in the wilderness. We’ll get to that in about a month. In the meantime, John had been taken…

Spirit and Fire

January 13, 2019
John didn’t look like a Messiah, didn’t act like a Messiah, but some thought that maybe he kind of spoke like a Messiah, so they wondered: Is John the Messiah? …

A Way in the Wilderness

December 9, 2018
We hear this list of names at the beginning of this third chapter of Luke’s account, and we probably don’t think much about it.  There are so many lists of…