Where It Begins

January 7, 2024
Mark’s version, church tradition tells us, is based upon Peter’s recollection.  Mark was secretary and personal assistant to Peter in his last years.  Mark’s—Peter’s—account begins, not with a genealogy, nor…

We Are the Church, Together

October 29, 2023
It’s not judging when one person says to another: that’s a really rotten thing you just did.  It’s not judging to say you’re hurting our relationship and you’re hurting yourself. …

Truth Lovingly Applied

July 23, 2023
Mercy forgives.  Forgiveness does not undo the consequences of our sin; this is why you and I must struggle, continually, against those impulses to sin that come and knock, like…
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” (5:6).  O, that the earth would be filled with the righteousness of God!  O, that those…

Your Ally

May 14, 2023
I feel a little like Jude.  No, not Judas—though I’ve had my moments, God knows!  Jude—he wrote a brief letter that comes just before Revelation.  Location, location, location.  Jude begins…
On this day, we specially remember Jesus making his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, that God’s Word might be fulfilled.  Today, we also conclude our time with Jonah.  Jesus was asked…


March 19, 2023
Jonah has had a transforming experience.  He had been living his faith his way.  Look where it got him.  God wasn’t interested in making Jonah sorry, though; God is interested…

Trumpet for Turning

February 22, 2023
God will settle all accounts.  Each of us labors under a stack of Past Due notices.  We’ve lived beyond our means.  We wanted to have fun, leave the worries for…
Anyone besides me hesitant to start a conversation about Jesus, hesitant to share your faith?  We don’t want to offend anybody.  Society and culture tell us religion is private, and…