For Want of the Gift

December 24, 2021
Tonight is the perfect opportunity to receive Jesus.  Oh, not that!  If experience is trustworthy, there are some here this evening for whom church is not exactly a habit.  I…
          Some young people leave home and never look back.  Once you leave, you can’t go back because home isn’t there anymore.  My family and I…

The Limits of Our Discipleship

February 28, 2021
          Peter isn’t happy about what’s going to happen to Jesus.  Neither are we.  Suffer?  Killed?  Terrible!  Let’s be followers without the suffering.  In seminary, no one quite knew what…
          Jesus came to do many interwoven things.  Jesus came for one reason.  We get it when people aren’t interested in Jesus despite our efforts—half-hearted or whole-hearted—our attempts to share…
We’ll hear about Nicodemus again. He’s the one who, along with Joseph of Arimathea, helps to put Jesus in the tomb. What needs be understood about Nicodemus is that not…

Holy Demolition

June 23, 2019
Tornadoes, hurricanes, fires—our lives can be turned upside down, so quickly, so completely.  The news cameras are almost always there, after, on the scene, filming people carefully picking their way…

God-Given Faith

September 9, 2018
Well, nobody likes to be called a dog.  We tend to be very attached to our pets, yet no one likes to be called a dog.  When will Jesus say…

Rejected and Sent

July 8, 2018
In the Gospel accounts, people are always being amazed by Jesus.  Even Pontius Pilate is amazed at Jesus, though not for quite the same reasons as others.  We hear this…