We Are the Church, Together

October 29, 2023
It’s not judging when one person says to another: that’s a really rotten thing you just did.  It’s not judging to say you’re hurting our relationship and you’re hurting yourself. …

The Work of Reconciliation

September 3, 2023
People were just floored by how Jesus spoke and taught.  “[H]e taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law” (Mk 7:29).  The rabbis said,…
What characteristic makes a Christian Christian?  Faith?  Love?  Hope?  Obedience?  Humility?  I believe—I hope—that I speak with you often about these virtues, these qualities.  These are what give distinctive flavor…
Anyone besides me hesitant to start a conversation about Jesus, hesitant to share your faith?  We don’t want to offend anybody.  Society and culture tell us religion is private, and…

A Demonstration of Loyalty

February 16, 2020
“Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (5:9). Peace must be made. Have you considered that? Peace isn’t simply already there. What’s already there is…

Prayer and Men of Prayer

September 22, 2019
How are we supposed to do church? How are we supposed to be church? Those are good questions, even though we are nearly two thousand years into this. We have…

The Gravity of Grace

July 21, 2019
Millions want to know God.  Knowing God isn’t easy.  There is so much around us and within to distract us, deflect us.  That desire is still there, though.  What is…


March 31, 2019
For quite some time, Christians didn’t need to think very much about their faith and beliefs.  Yes, sure, society and culture were fallen, but in impersonal ways that didn’t touch…

Hope for a Good Conscience

November 4, 2018
My last year at seminary, one of the theology professors taught a course called something like “Theories of the Atonement.”  Over centuries, theologians have presented different explanations regarding the atonement,…