Tomorrow, Tomorrow

October 15, 2023
Without food, we won’t last long.  If we understand that, how much more people in the days of Jesus, when crop failures and famines were real things?  Though the Roman…

In God’s Abundance

September 4, 2022
Jesus sent the apostles out with authority to cast out demons and to heal.  Oh, how we’d love some healing, just now.  Can you feel the need for it, out…

Reverence and Providence

August 15, 2021
I will extol the Lord (111:1).  “Lift up your voice, now lift up your voice!  Great is the Lord!”  Extol.  Praise.  Maybe we don’t spend enough time here praising God,…

Be a Hold Out

November 18, 2018
It would have been hard not to be impressed by the temple Herod built in Jerusalem.  It was built to impress.  Some of you have had the opportunity to travel…