Power, Promise, People

March 28, 2024
“On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb, Jesus’ disciples asked him, ‘Where do you want us to go and…

The Gospel of God

January 21, 2024
In Mark’s telling, it can feel as if things happen rapid-fire: this, then this, then this, sort of breathlessly.  It may have been just like that.  It may also be…

Opportunity and Promises

November 19, 2023
Jesus came to call people to follow, to believe and follow: only believe, just follow.  If they weren’t sure whether they believed, Jesus told them to follow and see.  “Trust…

The Gift of Light

February 19, 2023
On this day of mystery and glory Christ turns his face toward Jerusalem and all that will happen to him, there.  From Paul, we turn to listen to Peter.  Paul…

The Light Rises

November 20, 2022
God’s Word concludes with a beginning.  It seems fitting to conclude our time with Luke, to conclude this liturgical year, with words from the beginning of Luke’s telling of the…

Real Help for Real Need

June 12, 2022
          I want a church where real need can find real help; I believe that you want that, too.  When I preach, I aim to make the heart of my…

Striving for Thriving

March 6, 2022
This purple season of Lent began in the early centuries of the church as a time of preparation and for refocusing upon our discipleship.  That isn’t just for Lent.  It…

Good as His Word

November 28, 2021
Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “Put it in writing”?  Get it in black and white: not just words in the air, but something we can hold on to, show others—a…

Love and Learn

August 29, 2021
Until today, I’ve never preached on the Song of Solomon.  I remember hearing only two sermons on this love song, only one of which was in church.  That was nearly…