Before Paul and Timothy arrive in Philippi, they had tried to make Jesus known in a couple other places.  Luke tells us “the Spirit did not let them” (16:6, 7). …


March 31, 2019
For quite some time, Christians didn’t need to think very much about their faith and beliefs.  Yes, sure, society and culture were fallen, but in impersonal ways that didn’t touch…

He Came to Proclaim

January 27, 2019
The section headings that the translators gave these parts of Luke’s account are telling: “Jesus Begins His Work,” and “Jesus is Rejected.”  Here is an encapsulation of what we’ll be…

Spirit and Fire

January 13, 2019
John didn’t look like a Messiah, didn’t act like a Messiah, but some thought that maybe he kind of spoke like a Messiah, so they wondered: Is John the Messiah? …

A Way in the Wilderness

December 9, 2018
We hear this list of names at the beginning of this third chapter of Luke’s account, and we probably don’t think much about it.  There are so many lists of…

Be a Hold Out

November 18, 2018
It would have been hard not to be impressed by the temple Herod built in Jerusalem.  It was built to impress.  Some of you have had the opportunity to travel…

Spirit-Guided Encounters

April 29, 2018
Spirit-Guided Encounters—Ac 8:26-40 How would you explain the Bible to someone?  There is much in the Bible that is wonderful, a delight to share.  There are other things that are…

Lame Beggars

April 15, 2018
Lame Beggars—Ac 3:11-19 Peter and John, still in Jerusalem after the Resurrection, go to the Temple.  They are being watched, certainly—all the key disciples are.  Why are Peter and John…