Have you ever been put in jail?  Wait—don’t answer!  Well, if you have, I guess you know the awful feeling that comes with that clank as the barred door locks. …
“When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened” (3:10).  Hallelujah!  That’s what God has…

In God’s Abundance

September 4, 2022
Jesus sent the apostles out with authority to cast out demons and to heal.  Oh, how we’d love some healing, just now.  Can you feel the need for it, out…

Know My Name

December 26, 2021
“My people will know my name” (52:6).  Did they not know His name?  What is God’s name?  God?  Jehovah?  Just to be clear, it isn’t Jehovah.  Jesus?  Yes, His name…

You Already Have Enough

July 11, 2021
          Two by two.  Why pairs?  I get why Jesus didn’t send them each alone.  I have many plans to serve the Lord, beloved.  Plans.  Hopes.  Dreams.  It’s good to…

Let’s Go

February 7, 2021
          Lord-willing, we have Jesus in our church.  I think we do.  My aim, my desire, is that we are always putting Jesus Christ front and center in this church:…

A Proclaiming Spirit

December 27, 2020
          Simeon and Anna are the closest thing Jesus has to grandparents, and what grandparents!  Both are at the Temple.  Though it was my parents who first took me to…
Jesus, stand among us in your risen power.  Disciples long for this: to see Jesus, have him with us, in his risen, resurrection power.  Those first disciples were scared for…

Light in the Darkness

December 1, 2019
What a glorious, happy day that will be, when people seek out the church, seeking God and knowledge of God. Some people do just show up; they find us. This…