Tomorrow, Tomorrow

October 15, 2023
Without food, we won’t last long.  If we understand that, how much more people in the days of Jesus, when crop failures and famines were real things?  Though the Roman…

Pray for Forgiveness

October 1, 2023
“It will always help us if we regard this world as organized not for our comfort but for our training.”[1]  So says our friend William Barclay.  The old saying was…

The Purpose of Prayer

September 24, 2023
Jesus has been telling those who want to be his followers about the sort of life they are to live.  He has been telling them about the disposition of the…

Holy Boldness

April 30, 2023
One thing I can guarantee you: if you follow Christ, it’s eventually going to get you in trouble.  There are many in situations of authority and influence who do not…

Decisive Devotion

April 23, 2023
I suppose we each have a picture of how the church ought to be, including this little congregation of it.  No one’s picture looks just like the church as it…

The Light Rises

November 20, 2022
God’s Word concludes with a beginning.  It seems fitting to conclude our time with Luke, to conclude this liturgical year, with words from the beginning of Luke’s telling of the…

Asking at Midnight

September 25, 2022
Growing up, I’d sometimes ask my father for some money.  He didn’t often have much, but I don’t recall him ever saying no.  Later, when I was away at college…
Last Sunday, I spoke of Paul’s instruction to Timothy about prayer in the church.  Christians pray for everybody.  We pray for everyone not only because everyone stands in need of…

Pray for Who?

July 10, 2022
At some point, you may have wondered why we do church the way we do.  If you worship elsewhere when you’re on vacation—I hope you do!—you’ve noticed that different churches…

Learning with Jesus

March 21, 2021
          God sent Jesus to be our Redeemer, our Savior.  Redemption comes with a cost; payment must be made, satisfaction given.  The one wronged—God—must be satisfied.  I don’t have the…