God’s love is “one another” love.  This makes perfect sense, for God is one God in three Persons, blessed Trinity.  John was writing in a situation where people in…
All Glory, Laud and Honor          Christians have been singing “All Glory, Laud and Honor” since 1861.  The words, though, go back to the ninth century, the 800s, to a period…

The Limits of Our Discipleship

February 28, 2021
          Peter isn’t happy about what’s going to happen to Jesus.  Neither are we.  Suffer?  Killed?  Terrible!  Let’s be followers without the suffering.  In seminary, no one quite knew what…

Ordinary Light

January 10, 2021
          God created.  There is so much wonder and joy, power and glory in those two words.  I have no way to unpack that here, today, in this hour, but…
When Jesus takes time to explain things, it’s time to listen and reflect, not listen and reject.  Jesus begins to explain what will happen (16:21).  Peter doesn’t like it.  Well,…

From Fearful to Cheerful

August 9, 2020
At a point of special relief and joy, Blanche DuBois, a character in Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named Desire, exclaims, “Sometimes there’s God, so quickly.”  Maybe we’ve each had…
Jesus, stand among us in your risen power.  Disciples long for this: to see Jesus, have him with us, in his risen, resurrection power.  Those first disciples were scared for…