Expectation and Surprise

November 29, 2020
          Perhaps there are times when it seems, feels, like my preaching gets preoccupied with fallen humanity—those are the times, I guess, when it sounds like I’m ranting, judging, condemning,…

A Demonstration of Loyalty

February 16, 2020
“Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (5:9). Peace must be made. Have you considered that? Peace isn’t simply already there. What’s already there is…

Blessed Are Those in Christ

February 9, 2020
Jesus tells us the meek will inherit the earth. They will be the ones to enjoy the fulfillment of the promise when the new heaven and the new earth come.…

A Spirit of Invitation

January 19, 2020
Twice in as many days, John the Baptist points to Jesus: “Look, the Lamb of God!” (1:29, 36). Lambs had one purpose in Israel’s relationship with God. We delight in…

Light in the Darkness

December 1, 2019
What a glorious, happy day that will be, when people seek out the church, seeking God and knowledge of God. Some people do just show up; they find us. This…

Abide in Obedience

November 17, 2019
Second Thessalonians is short. When I first read through the Bible, it was a real relief finally to get to books that were two pages long. Though brief, this letter…

Glorify the Name of the Lord

November 3, 2019
Paul speaks of the people who belong to God and to the Lord Jesus Christ (1:1). Have you thought much about belonging to God? In Jesus Christ, we are people…

Prayer and Men of Prayer

September 22, 2019
How are we supposed to do church? How are we supposed to be church? Those are good questions, even though we are nearly two thousand years into this. We have…

Can We Just Skip That Part?

August 18, 2019
Fire? Division, not peace? Hypocrites? Why does Jesus have to say such things? I mean, I suppose I could just skip all those things he says like what we just…