Blessed Are Those in Christ

February 9, 2020
Jesus tells us the meek will inherit the earth. They will be the ones to enjoy the fulfillment of the promise when the new heaven and the new earth come.…

Abide in Obedience

November 17, 2019
Second Thessalonians is short. When I first read through the Bible, it was a real relief finally to get to books that were two pages long. Though brief, this letter…

A Time for Healing

August 25, 2019
So, eighteen years is a long time, bent over, suffering, for eighteen years. Then there’s Jesus. Maybe she always went to synagogue on Sabbath. Maybe she was there that Sabbath…

A Way That Seems Right

July 28, 2019
Christians have a talent for reshaping the Gospel.  Paul warns against this.  The reshaping is always the result of good intentions.  Christians worry about the growth of the Church, which…
Saul didn’t know Jesus.  Blind, thrown down in the dust there on the road, Saul calls the one speaking to him Lord (9:5): whoever is speaking to him has authority…

An Example for Us

March 24, 2019
God sends the people He is setting free through the parted waters of the sea.  The Egyptians are in hot pursuit.  God sends the waters rushing back down upon the…

Let Down Your Nets

February 10, 2019
[With thanks to Leslie Leyland Fields, and Chapter Four of her Crossing the Waters: Following Jesus through the Storms, the Fish, the Doubt, and the Seas (2016).] I don’t ordinarily…

What’s Inside You?

September 2, 2018
So much of Jesus’ time is taken up with disputes, disagreements, arguments, differing interpretations.  People seem to interpret God’s Word in such a variety of ways.  Frequently, these differences provide…
Chosen for Love, Loved for Love—Jn 15:9-17 A couple of Sundays back, I shared one biblical scholar’s view of what made Christianity unique on this side of eternity, what helped…