Faith That We Are Chosen

February 6, 2022
Many are called but few are chosen (Mt 22:14).  Is this an ad for the Marines?  It’s not a really encouraging doctrine, at first glance.  How about everyone called and…
          “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God” (4:7).  Everyone who loves.  Well, then.  If someone…
          I’ve spoken of purification, obedience, and rejecting the world.  We reject the world when we say Yes to Christ and No to the panorama of alluring sins in vogue…
We make progress in love together in Christ.  When love is returned in kind, the obligation of love is not burdensome.  Where love is not returned, any thought of obligation…

Learning with Jesus

March 21, 2021
          God sent Jesus to be our Redeemer, our Savior.  Redemption comes with a cost; payment must be made, satisfaction given.  The one wronged—God—must be satisfied.  I don’t have the…

The Blessing in Store for You

November 22, 2020
          “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph 2:10).  Our new birth in Christ…

The Language of the Soul

November 15, 2020
          The prediction business is deeply flawed, because we are deeply flawed, and our wishes easily worm their way into our predictions.  Scientists have long understood that the presence of…


May 17, 2020
An advocate to help us and to be with us forever.  Help.  Forever.  You know this word advocate: someone who speaks up for you; someone who is on your side. …