Light in the Darkness

February 14, 2021
          The power of darkness is fear.  There is fear in the darkness, fear of the dark.  Children want the nightlight.  I’m liking the flashlight on my cell phone.  There…
We’ll hear about Nicodemus again. He’s the one who, along with Joseph of Arimathea, helps to put Jesus in the tomb. What needs be understood about Nicodemus is that not…

Spirit and Fire

January 13, 2019
John didn’t look like a Messiah, didn’t act like a Messiah, but some thought that maybe he kind of spoke like a Messiah, so they wondered: Is John the Messiah? …

Who Has Seen the Wind?

May 27, 2018
Today, we especially take time to consider God in Trinity.  Today is Trinity Sunday, if we choose to observe it.  Ours is a Trinitarian, not a Unitarian faith.  We believe…