Asking at Midnight

September 25, 2022
Growing up, I’d sometimes ask my father for some money.  He didn’t often have much, but I don’t recall him ever saying no.  Later, when I was away at college…

Real Help for Real Need

June 12, 2022
          I want a church where real need can find real help; I believe that you want that, too.  When I preach, I aim to make the heart of my…

The Hem of His Garment

August 8, 2021
Jesus has just fed five thousand, and when the boat lands back on the other side of the Sea of Galilee, not far from Capernaum, in Gennesaret, another five thousand…

Blessed Are Those in Christ

February 9, 2020
Jesus tells us the meek will inherit the earth. They will be the ones to enjoy the fulfillment of the promise when the new heaven and the new earth come.…

Wealth, Health, God

October 7, 2018
Satan?  Are we really going to hear about that old myth, that nonsense?  Beloved, whether you believe there is such a being, such an enemy as Satan or not, Scripture…