Rite of Passage?

June 9, 2024
Jesus is mean.  We don’t like mean Jesus.  Mean Jesus is too much for us.  Can you imagine Jesus insulting someone or treating anyone like a second-class person?  You don’t…
The most inconvenient part of our faith isn’t having to gather here on Sundays or listen to me preach, tedious though that can be.  The most inconvenient part of our…

Rest in Christ

March 10, 2024
The Sabbath was God’s gift, God’s blessing for His people.  The one thing you do not do, then, is fail to honor and respect the gift.  That would dishonor the…

Doors Not Walls

February 18, 2024
No one gets to Jesus in just the same way.  Am I going to tell Jesus, “Lord, that’s not how I’d do it”?  If people bring someone to Jesus in…

More Than Anything

January 14, 2024
Not purification but preparation.  Jesus didn’t need any purification.  His baptism wasn’t for his purification; rather, it was a sign of his dedication, his official consecration, if you will.  His…

Who Comes First?

December 24, 2023
          John testified concerning him.  He cried out, saying, “This is the one I spoke about when I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed…

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

October 15, 2023
Without food, we won’t last long.  If we understand that, how much more people in the days of Jesus, when crop failures and famines were real things?  Though the Roman…

Our Treasured Treasure

October 8, 2023
It must have been around 1980 or so.  I was sitting in a theater watching a movie and eating Jujyfruits—turns out they’re still making those.  I noticed an ad on…

The Purpose of Prayer

September 24, 2023
Jesus has been telling those who want to be his followers about the sort of life they are to live.  He has been telling them about the disposition of the…


November 6, 2022
I heard some advice that if you can get something done in two minutes or less, then do it.  Don’t put off until mañana what you can do today.  In…