“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (5:5).  I’ve said before, I’ll say again: I do not like this word meek.  I suppose no one wants meek…

Who Supplies Our Need

June 25, 2023
Jesus went up on a mountainside.  What’s it like to be on the mountain?  We tend to think of the high hills of Israel as grassy, like mountain meadows, maybe…

The Power of Obedience

April 7, 2023
There in the house of Annas, Jesus is being questioned, not for the first time.  People question Jesus all the time, even in our times—maybe especially in our times of…

Blessed Are Those in Christ

February 9, 2020
Jesus tells us the meek will inherit the earth. They will be the ones to enjoy the fulfillment of the promise when the new heaven and the new earth come.…

God-Given Faith

September 9, 2018
Well, nobody likes to be called a dog.  We tend to be very attached to our pets, yet no one likes to be called a dog.  When will Jesus say…