So Inconvenient

April 21, 2024
Now, everyone was always eager for Jesus to do some miraculous sign, some awesome work.  They weren’t looking for parlor tricks.  People around them were sick, crippled, blind, deaf, hard-hearted…

The Light Rises

November 20, 2022
God’s Word concludes with a beginning.  It seems fitting to conclude our time with Luke, to conclude this liturgical year, with words from the beginning of Luke’s telling of the…

Mary and the Word

October 9, 2022
I’m not sure whether Jesus lived in turbulent times or just sort of caused tumult wherever he went.  He definitely upset a lot of old, traditional notions and ways—those venerable…

Expectation and Surprise

November 29, 2020
          Perhaps there are times when it seems, feels, like my preaching gets preoccupied with fallen humanity—those are the times, I guess, when it sounds like I’m ranting, judging, condemning,…