Delightful Grace

December 24, 2018
Many people do not know Jesus.  Many, even today, because they have not heard of him.  Many others because they do not care to know him.  They don’t see why…

A Way in the Wilderness

December 9, 2018
We hear this list of names at the beginning of this third chapter of Luke’s account, and we probably don’t think much about it.  There are so many lists of…

Ultimate, Final

November 25, 2018
Every so often, our Scripture reading brings us to Revelation.  We call it a book; it’s much closer to a vision, a dream.  Some think nothing of dreams; others believe…

Hope for a Good Conscience

November 4, 2018
My last year at seminary, one of the theology professors taught a course called something like “Theories of the Atonement.”  Over centuries, theologians have presented different explanations regarding the atonement,…
Give thanks.  Praise God.  Praise God’s glory.  St. Paul calls us to worship.  Some people worship justice—as they conceive it.  Some worship love—as they conceive it.  Some people worship knowledge…

Crazy for God

June 10, 2018
So, first of all, this unforgiveable sin, this sin against the Holy Spirit.  Those criticizing Jesus, wanting to defame him, were saying Jesus certainly had a spirit: an evil spirit…
Chosen for Love, Loved for Love—Jn 15:9-17 A couple of Sundays back, I shared one biblical scholar’s view of what made Christianity unique on this side of eternity, what helped…