Forgive to Live

September 13, 2020
          “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others…

Loving the Unlovable

September 6, 2020
Debt is one of those things you get into that you can’t wait to get out of, like a bad job, unprofitable work.  Oh, how happy Devon and I were…


May 17, 2020
An advocate to help us and to be with us forever.  Help.  Forever.  You know this word advocate: someone who speaks up for you; someone who is on your side. …


January 12, 2020
Have you ever been at the grocery store and seen what you wanted there on the top shelf, and realized, after trying a few times, that you would need help…

The Evidence

December 24, 2019
In the eighty-first psalm, the voice of the people of God, in slavery in Egypt, says, “I hear a voice I had not known” (Ps 81:5). That unrecognized voice is…

What a King Is For

November 24, 2019
          Today is a day for wrapping up. Next Sunday, I’ll start telling the story from the top once again. What crowns the story, its conclusion and vision, is Christ…

Abide in Obedience

November 17, 2019
Second Thessalonians is short. When I first read through the Bible, it was a real relief finally to get to books that were two pages long. Though brief, this letter…

Faith and Love in Christ

October 6, 2019
His spirit fills us. Beloved, how beautiful, those words! We feel so full of so many things. Sometimes, it’s fear. Sometimes, it’s anger, resentment. Sometimes it’s love, yes, that’s true,…

Want Jesus Most

September 8, 2019
Well, our translation says unless we love Jesus more (14:26). You may remember that Jesus says hate: unless you hate your parents, spouse, children, and life itself, you can’t be…