Where the Cost Is

April 3, 2022
Generosity and greed.  We see both, here.  We know which reflects Christ, which is worthy of the name of Christ.  We love generosity and strive to be generous.  It comes…

To Those Who Receive Him

January 30, 2022
The Word of God comes to announce the Word is now fulfilled.  It seems like that would be sort of important, if you understood what was happening.  Those in the…

Know My Name

December 26, 2021
“My people will know my name” (52:6).  Did they not know His name?  What is God’s name?  God?  Jehovah?  Just to be clear, it isn’t Jehovah.  Jesus?  Yes, His name…

Good as His Word

November 28, 2021
Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “Put it in writing”?  Get it in black and white: not just words in the air, but something we can hold on to, show others—a…

All for You

November 7, 2021
If you were to take everything in your bank account right now and give it to God, how would you survive the rest of the day, let alone the rest…

Love and Learn

August 29, 2021
Until today, I’ve never preached on the Song of Solomon.  I remember hearing only two sermons on this love song, only one of which was in church.  That was nearly…
          “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God” (4:7).  Everyone who loves.  Well, then.  If someone…
          I’ve spoken of purification, obedience, and rejecting the world.  We reject the world when we say Yes to Christ and No to the panorama of alluring sins in vogue…