Tell His Story

August 27, 2023
But we’ve always done it that way.  What is that tried-and-true definition of insanity: repeating the same actions while expecting a different result?  Because Jesus did not do the things…
What characteristic makes a Christian Christian?  Faith?  Love?  Hope?  Obedience?  Humility?  I believe—I hope—that I speak with you often about these virtues, these qualities.  These are what give distinctive flavor…


July 30, 2023
Oh, be careful, little eyes, what you see, little ears, what you hear.  Oh, be careful, little tongue, what you say, little hands, what you do.  Oh, be careful, little…

Truth Lovingly Applied

July 23, 2023
Mercy forgives.  Forgiveness does not undo the consequences of our sin; this is why you and I must struggle, continually, against those impulses to sin that come and knock, like…

Watch, Wait, Work

January 1, 2023
I like to try to keep up with what’s going on in your lives.  I love to rejoice with you.  I also want to be there for you, with you,…

Love Brings the Beloved Home

December 25, 2022
There are times when I’m encouraged to think that, deep down, the world doesn’t want to banish Christ from Christmas.  Deep down, the world knows it needs Christ, needs God,…

In Our Time of Waiting

December 11, 2022
“Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming” (5:7).  Easy for him to say.  A sense of helplessness can make it hard to wait; so, too frustration, and…

The Life That Is Truly Life

August 28, 2022
Corpus Christi is a hot place.  When we lived there, I saw what amazed me: a man, walking.  It wasn’t once or twice.  I saw him nearly every day, walking…
Paul’s first letter to Timothy is a reminder—a plea—to the church to stay focused on advancing, making progress.  The church makes progress as it holds fast to the Word of…