Sometimes, to go forward, we have to go back.  The first steps on the long journey to the cross, the tomb, and Easter take Jesus and us into the wilderness. …

Promise and Proof

January 5, 2020
Jesus is the proof that God keeps His promises. He keeps His promises not because of us but despite us. That probably doesn’t do a lot for our egos. God’s…

Light in the Darkness

December 1, 2019
What a glorious, happy day that will be, when people seek out the church, seeking God and knowledge of God. Some people do just show up; they find us. This…

Glorify the Name of the Lord

November 3, 2019
Paul speaks of the people who belong to God and to the Lord Jesus Christ (1:1). Have you thought much about belonging to God? In Jesus Christ, we are people…

Faith and Love in Christ

October 6, 2019
His spirit fills us. Beloved, how beautiful, those words! We feel so full of so many things. Sometimes, it’s fear. Sometimes, it’s anger, resentment. Sometimes it’s love, yes, that’s true,…

Reflections on Humility

September 1, 2019
Jesus reminds us to be humble, to seek humility, to learn it and grow in it. We praise beauty; we praise excellence; we praise performance. Humility is more worthy of…

Christ Is Our Real Life

August 4, 2019
A number of people, including some who ought to know better, seem to behave as if this life was all that mattered. Jesus tells us of a world to come.…
Saul didn’t know Jesus.  Blind, thrown down in the dust there on the road, Saul calls the one speaking to him Lord (9:5): whoever is speaking to him has authority…