More Than Mourning

July 2, 2023
In Boston in 1770, Perez Morton penned these words: “When Jesus wept, the falling tear in mercy flowed beyond all bound.  When Jesus groaned, a trembling fear seized all the…

A Love Worth Sharing

June 4, 2023
It’s not hard to think of biblical lands as wilderness and wasteland: Big Bend as far as the eye can see, but remember that the land God promised His people…

Watch, Wait, Work

January 1, 2023
I like to try to keep up with what’s going on in your lives.  I love to rejoice with you.  I also want to be there for you, with you,…

Christ For You

December 4, 2022
There was a man who never knew his grandfather.  Many years before, this grandfather, knowing his grandson would barely remember him, wrote a letter.  He tried to tell his newborn…


November 6, 2022
I heard some advice that if you can get something done in two minutes or less, then do it.  Don’t put off until mañana what you can do today.  In…