Inside Out

June 2, 2024
“Of what terrible things is the human heart the source!  From self flow impurity, dishonesty, wickedness, knavery, deceit, lust, haughtiness, blasphemy, senselessness, and everything that is evil.  These things are…

Show and Tell

April 7, 2024
For the past two Sundays, our hearts have been turned—gloriously, graciously turned—to the observance and celebration of the biggest week of our church year.  Back on March 17th, the last…

Power, Promise, People

March 28, 2024
“On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb, Jesus’ disciples asked him, ‘Where do you want us to go and…

Now Is the Time to Feast

March 3, 2024
Something called intermittent fasting seems to be a thing.  There may be something to it.  Humans have been finding value in fasting, especially spiritual value, for a very long time. …

What’s Happening

February 4, 2024
“They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach” (1:21).  From the shores of Galilee, Jesus and his four new disciples…

In God’s Abundance

September 4, 2022
Jesus sent the apostles out with authority to cast out demons and to heal.  Oh, how we’d love some healing, just now.  Can you feel the need for it, out…

Foundation and Pillars

August 7, 2022
Those ancient builders in Greece and Rome really knew what they were doing.  No, the roofs are no longer there, but the foundations remain, and many pillars.  Lots and lots…

The Worst of Sinners

July 3, 2022
The Word of God stands, complete.  We don’t quite know what to do with it, though.  We know the Old Testament is part of the Bible.  We don’t quite know…