Joy’s Foundation

January 16, 2022
“[T]he eternal Son of God was a guest at a feast.”[1]  You could do worse than to have Jesus as a guest at your celebration.  I haven’t been sure how…

Good as His Word

November 28, 2021
Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “Put it in writing”?  Get it in black and white: not just words in the air, but something we can hold on to, show others—a…
          Ours is a fellowship of confession.  Fellowship begins with Christ.  The Greek word we translate as fellowship is koinonia, which could also be translated as participation, communion.  We have…

Teaching for Life

March 7, 2021
          The psalms offer great encouragement and wise words of caution.  The psalms give voice to our feelings of joy and sorrow; they are heartfelt prayers, helping us to cultivate…

Light in the Darkness

February 14, 2021
          The power of darkness is fear.  There is fear in the darkness, fear of the dark.  Children want the nightlight.  I’m liking the flashlight on my cell phone.  There…

Ordinary Light

January 10, 2021
          God created.  There is so much wonder and joy, power and glory in those two words.  I have no way to unpack that here, today, in this hour, but…

Expectation and Surprise

November 29, 2020
          Perhaps there are times when it seems, feels, like my preaching gets preoccupied with fallen humanity—those are the times, I guess, when it sounds like I’m ranting, judging, condemning,…

Light in the Darkness

December 1, 2019
What a glorious, happy day that will be, when people seek out the church, seeking God and knowledge of God. Some people do just show up; they find us. This…

A Crown for the Lord

January 20, 2019
These words of Isaiah are a poem, a song, a prophecy of hope.  The hope is for Jerusalem; Jerusalem, here, is not simply a city, a spot on the map. …