The Light of Invincible Life

February 11, 2024
I’ve been trying to take Mark’s account—what Peter told Mark—in order this year.  Today, with our forty-day walk to Easter about to begin, I’m jumping ahead.  Today is Transfiguration Sunday. …
What characteristic makes a Christian Christian?  Faith?  Love?  Hope?  Obedience?  Humility?  I believe—I hope—that I speak with you often about these virtues, these qualities.  These are what give distinctive flavor…

The Gift of Light

February 19, 2023
On this day of mystery and glory Christ turns his face toward Jerusalem and all that will happen to him, there.  From Paul, we turn to listen to Peter.  Paul…

Love Brings the Beloved Home

December 25, 2022
There are times when I’m encouraged to think that, deep down, the world doesn’t want to banish Christ from Christmas.  Deep down, the world knows it needs Christ, needs God,…

Out of the Darkness, Shining

November 27, 2022
There are mornings when I wake up about an hour before sunrise without even meaning to.  Oh, I try to roll over and get back to where I was, wherever…


November 6, 2022
I heard some advice that if you can get something done in two minutes or less, then do it.  Don’t put off until mañana what you can do today.  In…

Light from Light [No audio.]

October 16, 2022
My boys like to read at night, even after it’s time for lights out.  That’s when they get out their flashlights, so dad won’t know.  Only, dad knows when their…
I shall not be moved.  This psalm doesn’t use those words, yet that’s the sense of this song of praise.  If God is for us—and He is—who can successfully be…

Hearing Is Believing

February 27, 2022
Not even Abraham long before had seen and spoken with God face to face.  We might point to the three mysterious visitors to whom Abraham offers welcome and hospitality, but…

The Limit of Our Giving

February 20, 2022
We’re all just doing the best we can, day by day, though that’s not all that Christians are doing.  We’re doing that, too, but we’re also learning to do something…