When I began attending church twenty-two years ago, I’m not sure I knew what I was expecting. I just had this inner sense—whispering, nudging—that God wanted me to go to…
Isaiah was unsparing in pointing to the God-defying behaviors and choices all too common all around him in his day. What we mostly remember about Isaiah, I suppose, are his…
Jesus is teaching his faithful, expanding their spiritual horizons to take in what he’s been telling them, but it’s tough. There’s a lot of distraction and a lot of resistance. …
I pastored a church in Illinois, right out of seminary. A fellow pastor in that presbytery served two congregations. Those of you who remember Rev. Swinney remember that sort of…
“You do not know now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” Life happens, and we wonder what God is up to. What is He thinking? There is…