Rest in Christ

March 10, 2024
The Sabbath was God’s gift, God’s blessing for His people.  The one thing you do not do, then, is fail to honor and respect the gift.  That would dishonor the…

The Work of Reconciliation

September 3, 2023
People were just floored by how Jesus spoke and taught.  “[H]e taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law” (Mk 7:29).  The rabbis said,…

Tell His Story

August 27, 2023
But we’ve always done it that way.  What is that tried-and-true definition of insanity: repeating the same actions while expecting a different result?  Because Jesus did not do the things…

The Worst of Sinners

July 3, 2022
The Word of God stands, complete.  We don’t quite know what to do with it, though.  We know the Old Testament is part of the Bible.  We don’t quite know…

Joy’s Foundation

January 16, 2022
“[T]he eternal Son of God was a guest at a feast.”[1]  You could do worse than to have Jesus as a guest at your celebration.  I haven’t been sure how…

As the Heart Goes

September 26, 2021
About a century ago, a man named Henry H. Halley brought out his Bible Handbook: An Abbreviated Bible Commentary.  In his comments about what I just read from Mark, Halley…

Liked to Listen

July 25, 2021
God’s Word of hope is persistent, dogged; it can’t be stopped, silenced, or driven out.  That doesn’t mean the powerful of the earth will not try to eradicate this holy…

Loving the Unlovable

September 6, 2020
Debt is one of those things you get into that you can’t wait to get out of, like a bad job, unprofitable work.  Oh, how happy Devon and I were…


May 17, 2020
An advocate to help us and to be with us forever.  Help.  Forever.  You know this word advocate: someone who speaks up for you; someone who is on your side. …

Faith and Love in Christ

October 6, 2019
His spirit fills us. Beloved, how beautiful, those words! We feel so full of so many things. Sometimes, it’s fear. Sometimes, it’s anger, resentment. Sometimes it’s love, yes, that’s true,…