Where the Cost Is

April 3, 2022
Generosity and greed.  We see both, here.  We know which reflects Christ, which is worthy of the name of Christ.  We love generosity and strive to be generous.  It comes…

The Evidence

December 24, 2019
In the eighty-first psalm, the voice of the people of God, in slavery in Egypt, says, “I hear a voice I had not known” (Ps 81:5). That unrecognized voice is…

A Costly Gift

April 7, 2019
Jesus and his disciples are celebrating, eating; it’s a joyful occasion: the one who brought life is with them.  Lazarus who was dead is alive, through Jesus.  Passover was near:…

Perceive, Receive

August 5, 2018
To be in the presence of Jesus is to be in the presence of salvation.  We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday.  There is no special reason why. …