Pray for Who?

July 10, 2022
At some point, you may have wondered why we do church the way we do.  If you worship elsewhere when you’re on vacation—I hope you do!—you’ve noticed that different churches…

Thy Kingdom Come

November 21, 2021
It’s been nearly two hundred fifty years since we had a king.  Maybe you have an interest in the British royal family, one of the best soap operas.  Will Charles…

Teaching for Life

March 7, 2021
          The psalms offer great encouragement and wise words of caution.  The psalms give voice to our feelings of joy and sorrow; they are heartfelt prayers, helping us to cultivate…
          Paul wants us to live with concern for the discipleship of others.  This is part of a larger discussion of the uses and abuses of freedom.  We have been…

A Time for Healing

August 25, 2019
So, eighteen years is a long time, bent over, suffering, for eighteen years. Then there’s Jesus. Maybe she always went to synagogue on Sabbath. Maybe she was there that Sabbath…

The Gravity of Grace

July 21, 2019
Millions want to know God.  Knowing God isn’t easy.  There is so much around us and within to distract us, deflect us.  That desire is still there, though.  What is…